Archive for November, 2011

Case Study: Moms spread the fun of Halloween HEXBUGS

HEXBUGs recently engaged with BSM Media to help create buzz around their creepy critters- Nanos. The team executed 250 MommyParties within the weeks leading up to Halloween. The results were hauntingly spooktacular.

  • More than 2,300 families were introduced to HEXBUGs through the program.
  • 60% of hosts told more than 21+ other moms about the party, resulting in a direct word of mouth reach of 3000. Secondary word of mouth impressions totaled nearly 20,000.
  • There were more than 125 blog posts, reaching more than 350,000 readers

Take a look at Mommy’s Memorandum or our Facebook page to see all the fun these families had putting these parties together!

Case Study: Grand Opening Success

A national retailer wanted to create a buzz in the mom market about the opening of their first store in Texas.  They engaged the creativity of BSM Media to find unique ways to create excitement in the community.

Results:  BSM Media found a local Veteran’s Day parade in which to involve the brand.  The retailer’s float showcased two local military moms as Hometown Heros.  The moms and their families were dressed in the retailers clothing.  Additionally, BSM Media enlisted the participation of a local dance school. Children dressed in the retailer’s clothing escorted the float and passed out Grand Opening coupons to moms along the parade route.

Ultimately the retailer has been able to continue their partnership with not only the dance school but also local momcentric organizations in the community. They continue to use these relationships for on-going local marketing .

The Grand Opening day surpassed any store traffic on the first day for the retailer.

Introducing the New and Improved Monthly Newsletter

Maria Bailey introduces the new and improved Marketing to Moms Newsletter including insights and information helping you connect with Power Moms.

View Marketing to Moms case studies here!