Case Study: The newest host for MommyParties…Dad!

March 7, 2012 9:03 am

For the Green Lantern parties, MommyParties turned to a new and exciting pool of party hosts- Dads! Comic-book enthusiast dads were offered the opportunity to host a Green Lantern party for their sons and his friends, to introduce the new line of movie-themed toys from Mattel . With interactive toys and themed activities, the parties proved to be a great bonding experience for the Dad hosts, who enthusiastically immersed themselves in the Green Lantern universe!

  • 50 DaddyParties hosted reaching more than 500 kids and 250 adults directly
  • 79% of hosts reported that the kids were so excited about the toys that they wanted to become super heros themselves
  • 75% of hosts said they planned on seeing the Green Lantern movie with their sons when it hit theaters
  • 61% of kids who attended were unfamiliar with the Green Lantern franchise before attending the party

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